By 12/04/2012

Oppose government attacks on benefit claimants.

Anti-cuts and disabled activists protesting against Welfare Reform Bill, London 28.1.12 , photo Ben Robinson

Lucy Stokes will be speaking on cuts to benefits at our next Leicester Socialist Party meeting, which is at 7pm, in The Globe pub (upstairs) Silver St, Tuesday April 27th.

Benefit claimants have had to go through harsh medical assessments and a sea of red tape, courtesy of ATOS, the company which has administered the government’s attacks on people on benefits.

The Welfare Reform Bill is grossly unfair, attempting to label people on benefits as “scroungers”, who were falsely claiming allowances. It has resulted in an increase in attacks on disabled people, and caused stress, misery and hardship for claimants.

According to an estimate by the PCS union, the rich get away with evading tax to the tune of around £120bn a year, while the government’s own statistics show that just 0.4% of claimants attempt to defraud the DLA. Who are the real scroungers?

We are completely opposed to the Welfare Reform Bill, as it is a vicious attack on working class and disabled people. It is time disabled people, along with others in society, say that enough is enough and stop attempts to divide us. The disabled, workers, the unemployed, students and young people must unite to fight all cuts.

For more information – see a recent article in the socialist.

All are welcome to come to our meeting.

Posted in: Cuts

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