By 22/03/2012 0 Comments

Save Our NHS – the fight goes on!

Leicester Socialist Party members attended a save the NHS public meeting called by the Labour MP Jon Ashworth. Over 250 people had turned up in attempt to save our National Health Service, to prevent further privatisation by multinational companies eager to exploit public services for profit. Ashworth had done a lot of work before the meeting and sent out letters explaining why he will oppose the health and social care bill. We questioned its timing. Nothing had been done until 72 hours before the bill is to be passed and Ashworth basically said that there is nothing we can do to stop it. Although he was critical of the Con-Dem’s demolition of our public services, predictably he failed to mention that Labour were responsible for NHS privatisation in the first place. He also forgot to mention that it was not in Labour’s interest to maintain a public health service, given their parasitic relationship with big business.

The general discussion went our way.  People were openly criticising Labour, fully aware of their history and the fact that they can’t provide solutions for public services. Several of our members were denied to speak by the chair, but one woman in the audience brought up the poll tax campaign as an example of how the people have defeated government bills before, even after they had been passed. This gave us the perfect opportunity to come in and point out that we were the leaders of that campaign.

Like the poll tax campaign, we argued for a mass grassroots movement opposing the bill where people have to get active in their community and local anti cuts groups. We leafleted for Leicestershire Against the Cuts, our future meetings and got a good response and new contacts.

People care about the NHS and the turnout in Leicester shows that they are willing to fight the government on this issue. Socialist Party activists all over the country need to intervene with the right arguments and demands. People are are looking for an alternative to failed Labour policies, and the Socialist Party and TUSC can play an important role in providing that alternative.

One person in the audience also commented that there was a surprising lack of youth involvement around the NHS bill. Although we had a youth representative present, the chair did not let her speak. A young female trade unionist also had her hand up to speak, but she did not get into the discussion either.

Young people do care about the NHS! Our party have several young trade unionists, fighting and campaigning for the NHS. There is also the example of the recent success of Youth Fight For Jobs’ campaign against the workfare scheme, which has forced many of the big companies to back down. Our organisation is full of young activists fighting day in and day out and organising. The NHS is an issue that can engage with and enthuse young people. Our job is to organise them and provide the right political solution.

We will keep on fighting for a NHS for the 99 % by our hard work within the Party, Youth Fight for Jobs and within Leicestershire Against the Cuts, a local anti-cuts group.

by Rebecca Christiansen, Leicester Socialist Party

Posted in: Cuts, Hospitals, NHS, Trade Unions

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