Ready to Strike!

We’ve had our pay frozen in the civil service for the past four years. Workers everywhere are being degraded and humiliated, despite workload increasing through the roof. I know I have never felt so undervalued.

On top of this, our manager recently announced a month of ‘treasure hunts’ around Leicester to promote health and wellbeing. Maybe if our staff weren’t working every hour god sends in overtime to supplement their inadequate income, they’d have the time and energy to exercise – but of their own choice! My entire office was incensed by this patronising scheme, telling management: ‘We don’t want treasure hunts, we want decent pay!’


The fact that this government will not even pay their own employees a decent wage in one of the most affluent countries in the world is a damning condemnation of capitalist society.

I will be out on strike on 15 October with my fellow PCS union members in the civil service, fighting for the pay rise we so richly deserve.

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